There seems to be some confusion between these two words and how to use them correctly.
Let’s take a look.
Discuss these questions before you watch. Then, watch the video and check your ideas.
What hair color are you most attracted to?
How many different hair colors can you name?
Do you believe in survival of the fittest?
Correct the errors in these sentences. Then, check them against the corrected sentences below.
I think yes.
It’s more important identify motivation and skills.
Do you have worked in a team?
Why I must leave a tip?
Put the following words in order to form a grammatically correct sentence.
1. can / I / him? / this / explain / How / idea / to
2. snows / it / happens / This / a lot. / when
3. I / you / know / pay / don’t / must. / if
Correct the errors in these sentences. Then, check them against the corrected sentences below.
I’m not resilient too.
It depends also of their skills.
I’m going to tell him if he could come later.
Let me see who is.
Watch the video and answer the following questions
How many days of work per year do tired workers lose on average?
Are female or male workers more prone to this problem?
How much do insomnia treatments cost per year?
Seguro que os acordáis pero vamos a recordar un poco como se dicen las horas. Para expresar en punto: “It´s ….. o´clock” – It´s four o´clock (16:00) Para expresar y cuarto: “It´s quarter past …” – It´s quarter past four (16:15) Para expresar y media: “It´s half past …”– It´s half past four (16:30) Para […]
By Tania Casado. It´s time se utiliza para expresar que ha llegado el momento de hacer algo. Puede haber dos formas de utilizar la expresión “It´s time” en presente: It´s time + sujeto + pasado simple It´s time we went to bed It´s time she looked for a new job It´s time (for + sujeto) […]
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
I do this all of the days of the year.
You are tired?
No, I haven’t too.
What it was about?
By Tania Casado. A menudo utilizamos el pasado simple y el pasado contínuo juntos en una misma frase.A continuación os voy a explicar la diferencia entre ambos. El pasado contínuo va a describir la acción que se estaba desarrollando y que es interrumpida por la acción más corta, que va en pasado simple. Por ejemplo: […]