By Tania Casado. Hoy vamos a hablaros de las diferentes combinaciones de used to. A continuación os las explico con ejemplos: used to + verbo en infinitivo: se utiliza para hablar sobre hábitos en el pasado que ya no se siguen dando. I used to have a dog but it died last month Hay que […]
By Tania Casado. ¡Hola a tod@s! Hoy vamos a repasar los verbos modales que expresan obligación. Los principales son have to y must. Evidentemente entre ellos hay diferencias que os voy a explicar a continuación. Vamos a empezar con las obligaciones en presente, para ello podemos utilizar have to y must dependiendo de la intensidad […]
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
I think yes.
It’s more important identify motivation and skills.
Do you have worked in a team?
Why I must leave a tip?
It depends to the person.
“Introducing Last Night Never Happened. The world’s first ‘morning after’ app.
Erase Facebook photos, Facebook comments, tweets, Twitter Direct messages.
Cover your tracks. Avoid Embarrassment. Save your social life. Download LNNH today.”
Here are 5 sentences with common errors made by non-native English speakers.
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
Incorrect Sentences:
1. I don’t believe on military structure.
2. It’s too much hard.
3. They think more in the long term.
4. The people always contact with him.
5. There is a problem if it happens something.
Watch the video and put these words into the correct gap: overtook ,lack, deeper, half, launch, WiFi
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
It hasn’t a top.
She doesn’t like go shopping.
I saw the answers before to do the exercise.
It isn’t difficult saying no, but it depend the thing.
I’m disagree.
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
1. It hasn’t a top.
2. She doesn’t like go shopping.
3. I saw the answers before to do the exercise.
4. It isn’t difficult saying no, but it depend the thing.
5. I’m disagree.
This is an expression used to say that you should use your own judgment about some information you are receiving. In other words, you should not take that information at face value because it might not be completely true or completely correct, or that information could be biased. example: When a politician speaks you should […]
By Tania Casado. Los modal verbs nos traen a todos un poco de cabeza. En estas próximas semanas os iré explicando la diferencia entre los distintos modal verbs: obligation, necessity, ability, permission, advice, certainty, possibility. Antes de empezar es importante que sepáis que todos los modal verbs siguen 3 reglas por lo general (aunque hay […]