By Tania Casado. Sois muchos los que tenéis dificultades con los modales. Voy a ir explicando en diferentes blogs los modales y sus usos. Hoy toca: hacer deducciones. Vamos a empezar con las deducciones en presente. Bien, en inglés podemos hacer deducciones tanto en positivo como en negativo. Depende de cual hagamos, utilizaremos un modal […]
Fun and Funny are often confused by non-native English speakers. Why is this? Let’s have a look.
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
I don’t understand nothing.
They told to the person to leave.
Yesterday at the night I was making my homeworks.
The situation depend the people.
I understood a lot of.
This is a question I hear a lot. So, I decided to answer it here.
There are plenty of good hard copy dictionaries, but, more and more, I find myself using online dictionaries so I can always have access to them.
I like the following four in particular for different reasons.
Watch the video and put these words into the correct gap: attributes, evolutionary, rating, politically, followed, than, gender
Watch the video and put these words into the correct gap: dirty, hefty, cooked, gotta, intimidated, stove, awesome
Have you ever had a brain fart? I know I have. Let’s look at what it means to have a brain fart.
Can Tetris cure PTSD? A study out of Oxford University suggests video game classic Tetris could be used to treat and maybe even prevent Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Watch the video here.
While you watch and listen to the video fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: over, of, in, behind, with.
Then, listen again to correct your answers.
Are you goo-goo for anything?
To be goo-goo for something means that you really like that thing.
Many adjectives have two forms. One ends in ‘ing’ and the other in ‘ed’.
Why is this? Well, the meaning is quite different.