00:30 Second Lessons
This expression is used when you allow someone to ride in your car and you take them where they need to go.
“Could you please give me a lift to the airport tomorrow? I don’t want to pay for a taxi.”
This is a great expression to tell someone to not wait or expect something to happen. Literally, to hold one’s breath means that one fills up the lungs and doesn’t breathe in or out. Figuratively, it means that whatever you’re waiting for will take so long that you’ll need to breathe before it will ever happen.
Since y for son dos palabras que se suelen confundir pero éstas se utilizan en casos diferentes.
Since va seguido de un punto específico en el pasado. Por ejemplo:
I´ve been living in Spain since 1999
These two verb expressions are often confused by non-native English speakers. Let’s look at the differences.
Both of the verbs involve the idea of buying something. So, what’s the difference?
These are to verbs often confused by non-native English speakers. Let’s look at the differences.
Both of the verbs involve the idea of having an intense conversation. So, what’s the difference?
There seems to be some confusion between these two words and how to use them correctly.
Let’s take a look.
Seguro que os acordáis pero vamos a recordar un poco como se dicen las horas. Para expresar en punto: “It´s ….. o´clock” – It´s four o´clock (16:00) Para expresar y cuarto: “It´s quarter past …” – It´s quarter past four (16:15) Para expresar y media: “It´s half past …”– It´s half past four (16:30) Para […]
By Tania Casado. It´s time se utiliza para expresar que ha llegado el momento de hacer algo. Puede haber dos formas de utilizar la expresión “It´s time” en presente: It´s time + sujeto + pasado simple It´s time we went to bed It´s time she looked for a new job It´s time (for + sujeto) […]
This is an expression used to say that you should use your own judgment about some information you are receiving. In other words, you should not take that information at face value because it might not be completely true or completely correct, or that information could be biased. example: When a politician speaks you should […]
Fun and Funny are often confused by non-native English speakers. Why is this? Let’s have a look.