Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
1. It hasn’t a top.
2. She doesn’t like go shopping.
3. I saw the answers before to do the exercise.
4. It isn’t difficult saying no, but it depend the thing.
5. I’m disagree.
By Tania Casado. Los modal verbs nos traen a todos un poco de cabeza. En estas próximas semanas os iré explicando la diferencia entre los distintos modal verbs: obligation, necessity, ability, permission, advice, certainty, possibility. Antes de empezar es importante que sepáis que todos los modal verbs siguen 3 reglas por lo general (aunque hay […]
By Tania Casado. Sois muchos los que tenéis dificultades con los modales. Voy a ir explicando en diferentes blogs los modales y sus usos. Hoy toca: hacer deducciones. Vamos a empezar con las deducciones en presente. Bien, en inglés podemos hacer deducciones tanto en positivo como en negativo. Depende de cual hagamos, utilizaremos un modal […]
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
I don’t understand nothing.
They told to the person to leave.
Yesterday at the night I was making my homeworks.
The situation depend the people.
I understood a lot of.
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
It’s more useful a small car.
He likes because he say is very comfortable.
The other one say they are dangerous.
What more?
It doesn’t sound well.
Here are 5 sentences with common errors made by non-native English speakers.
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
For, Since and During are often confused by non-native English speakers.
Let’s have a look at why.
Here are 5 sentences with common errors made by non-native English speakers.
Correct the errors and then look at the corrected sentences below to check your answers.
When to use will and going to for future intentions is often confusing for non-native English speakers.
Both will and going to are used to express a future action that we have a strong intention of doing. So, what’s the difference?
The structure used for the words suggest and recommend is somewhat unusual for non-native speakers.
The structure is the same for both verbs. Let’s look.